This Week's Meeting
January 11, 2024
This week's speaker is Courtney Brooks, President & CEO, Global Ties. Her topic will be: "Shaping Foreign Policy from the Heartland."
Courtney holds an MBA & a BA in Political Science, Economics, and International Studies. She has been to all 7 continents, and has lived in China and South America. She enjoys being able to share the Midwestern spirit of hospitality with the world!
Last Week's Meeting
Jan. 4, 2023
The meeting was called to order by President Tom Davis, who was back at the podium after missing a few meetings while recovering from some medical attention.  He noted that he is the third president in a row who has had to recover from serious medical repairs, and expressed hope that he would be the last for a while.  Anyway, we stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag and country, and while still standing we were treated to an invocation by Henrik Andersen.  Since he grew up in Denmark, he mixed some Danish phrases with the more familiar English, all of which made for an encouraging and thoughtful invocation.
After we welcomed guests to the meeting, we noted the years of Rotary membership and service by the following members: Bill Buckner, 56 years; John Miller, 54 years; Jim Porter, 50 years; and Keith Smith, 47 years.
Announcements included a Presidential word of thanks to the Community Service Committee for serving as the Greeters for today’s meeting; and a reminder that the Plaza Lights After Hours event would take place this evening from 5:30 to 7:30 pm.  Tickets are $10 per person,
Today’s program, a Panel Discussion about the Kansas City Rotary Club Foundation, began with an introduction by the excellent orator, Sally Bibb (who, in this humble reporter’s opinion, is the best orator at the podium of all club members.) Ms. Bibb explained that she and Linn Mills (another excellent orator) would be introducing the three members of a panel who would be addressing issues regarding the financial future of the Club’s Camp for Kids.  We were reminded that the financial support for the operation of the Camp comes from two sources, a fund managed by the club Foundation, and contributions from Club members.
The first presenter was member Tom Woolwine, who has been the chairman of the Foundation Investment committee for the past three years.  This committee has been looking at the future of the Camp’s financial stability.  He presented several graphs that described the projected financial needs of the Camp in the next 30 years.  This scribe will not attempt to explain the financial concepts that were presented.  Leave it suffice to say that unless financial support for the camp from members’ contributions does not increase in coming years, operations of the camp may become unsustainable. (Watch the recording of the meeting on the Club’s website for more details and explanations.)
The next presenter was Jim Porter, a longtime member who has seen over decades the effects of the camping experience can bring to children with special needs and their families.  His accounts were very moving, and emphasized how important it is for the Club to continue adequate financial support for the Camp.
The third presenter was Judge Duane Benton, who outlined several ways that Club members can provide financial support for the Camp in addition to cash contributions.  Again, rather than attempting to list all the financial options for making contributions to the camp (and introducing numerous errors), this reporter will refer the reader to the Club’s meeting recording on its website.
The meeting concluded with a review of coming meetings, a quote, "Charity begins at home, but it doesn’t end there." by Paul Harris, and a recitation of the 4-way test.
Plaza Lights After Hours
What a wonderful event at Polsinelli last Thursday! Thank you Terry Kilroy for hosting us. Rotary fun and fellowship with a great view!
2024/25 Rotary Theme Announced

Rotary International President-elect Stephanie Urchick announced that the 2024-25 presidential theme is The Magic of Rotary and called on members to recognize and amplify the organization’s power to save lives.

“Don’t misunderstand me – we are not going to end polio or bring peace to the world by waving a wand and saying some funny words,” Urchick told incoming district governors at the Rotary International Assembly on 8 January. “It’s up to you. You create the magic with every project completed, every dollar donated, and every new member.”

This will be the final "Presidential Theme" - Rotary International has decided to discontinue the practice after next year. 

We meet Thursdays at Noon
The Kill Devil Club
14 & Main
Kansas City, MO 
Upcoming Events
Bagel Run
Jan. 20, 2024
Bagel Run
Jan. 27, 2024
Fireside at Linn Mills' Home
Linn Mills' Home
Feb. 01, 2024
6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Fireside at Jane Lee's Home
Feb. 06, 2024
Fireside at Pete Sotta's home
Feb. 08, 2024
View entire list
Jan 18, 2024
Illuminate Mental Health Plan for Children
Jan 25, 2024
“The Future of Starlight in Kansas City”
View entire list

Bowling News
by Tim Tholen
Hello Rotary 13!!
Well our first night of bowling of 2024 got off to a raging start last Wednesday! A few of the regulars clearly elected to extend their vacations, but the rest of us had a blast anyway.
200 games:
Matt Ho 228, 219
Will Patrick 245, 210
Peter Ho 206

Notable splits:
Will Patrick 2/4/10
See you all soon!!

Rotary Youth Camp Update
By Laurie Mozley
We have squirrels of various hues at the Rotary Youth Camp ranging from red to many shades of gray.  But the white one was spotted by Rick Hughes while out with the Monday Morning Group. 
The maintenance barn used to be the Craft Barn, where campers would do woodworking projects and other crafts.  This picture from 1959 shows some campers hard at work on their projects.
