Kansas City Rotary Club Foundation
When you contribute $1,000 or more to the KCRC Foundation, you will receive an attractive plaque for display in your office or home. Your name will be listed with other fellows in the Friendship circle at our Youth Camp and a label will be placed on your name badge indicating your Fellowship.
Kansas City Rotary Club Foundation
Board of Directors 2022-2023
(All terms expire on 6/30)
Marc Horner…....…….2025/2023 Director/President
Linn Mills……....2025/2023 Director/Vice-President
Guy Martin….….……2023/2023 Director/Treasurer
John Gillis….….….…2023/2023 Director/Secretary
Sally Bibb……….…...……………….2024 Director
Tom Woolwine……………………....2024 Director
Brent Worley...………….. 2024 Ex-Officio Director
Tony Andresen……..……2023 Ex-Officio Director
Eric Bubb..……....…….…2024 Ex-Officio Director
Tom Davis…………….…2025 Ex-Officio Director
Tim Tholen…..….....….…2026 Ex-Officio Director
For you to become a Kansas City Rotary Club Foundation Fellow, a minimum contribution of $1,000 must be made. This contribution can be made by anyone for anyone, for yourself, your spouse, as an honorarium, memorial or as an expression of support for the goals of the Foundation. A sustaining member program to become a Fellow is available with minimum initial and annual contributions of $100.
Our Club 13 Foundation was established in 1978 with final approval by the IRS as a 501(c) (3) organization in 1980. As stated in the Foundation’s Articles of Incorporation (as amended) the purpose of the Foundation includes, among others, the making of contributions to the Rotary Club Youth Camp Association.
Foundation total assets as of 12/31/2021 were $7,662,177, which includes $1,195,182 held/invested for Club 13 and the Youth Camp. Net unrestricted assets were $6,466,995.
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Download the website sponsorship guide
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