The meeting began with Pres. Tom Davis calling the meeting to order. We then stood to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Pres. D. asked for a moment of silence in memory of our long time member Carl Bolte, who passed away a few days ago. New member Scott McRuer brought forth a brief invocation, after which he was officially inducted into the club. Guests were welcomed. Then club anniversaries were noted for members David King with 13 years (and 46 years of Rotary experience); and Bill Kort, 10 years.
Announcements included:
*Members of the Rotary Book discussion Group were thanked for greeting today.
*A lengthy and spirited preview by Eric Bubb about the plans for the coming Greater KC day.
*A brief video about Project C.U.R.E.’s visit to the Kasama hospital in Zambia – one of the hospitals we are working on in our global grant.
*Coming events were reviewed:
Fireside events – openings available at Jane Lee’s and Pete Sotta’s houses.
Rotary Roundup at the Youth Camp on Thu., Feb. 29, 6-9 pm. No noon Rotary meeting on that day.
President Tom invited Past President Marc Horner to the podium, who made a special presentation to Jan Armstrong, who received the Citation for Meritorious Service, which recognizes individual Rotarians who have demonstrated outstanding active service to The Rotary Foundation for more than one year.
After P.P. Marc Horner's presentation to Jan, he introduced our speaker for the day, Amy Chinnery-Valmassei, a past president of the Lee’s Summit Rotary Club and a District Governor Nominee Designate for District 6040. (Her term will be in 2026-2027.) She is a most active Rotary member and in her community. Her topic today was “The Annual Fund.”
Points discussed during her most lively presentation included:
+ The Rotary Annual Fund supports Rotary’s numerous activities and programs around the world.
+ How do we make a difference in our community?
+ The “Every Rotarian Every Year” is a challenge for universal support of the Annual Fund.
+ A review of how donations to the Annual Fund are invested and used to support various programs.
+ A review of how our District’s programs receive support from the Annual Fund.
+ A challenge for all Rotarians to make an annual donation to the Annual Fund
+ There are numerous ways for Rotarians to make donations to the Fund. See the Buzzsaw and visit our office for information.
After this most lively presentation, Pres. Davis reviewed coming meeting programs. See the Buzzsaw. Today’s quote was, “The work of two is not meant to be done alone.” Zambian proverb.
And we closed with a recitation of the Rotary 4-Way test.